What’s Included?
Because many miners and prospectors already have pumps and hoses we DO NOT include the pumps and hose. If you need to order them, see the links we provide to good pumps and hose that are affordable.
NEW…. we now offer a full pump and hose kit if you would like. See below.
Everything below is included and it’s ready to run. You just need the pump, hose, and battery.
All mats are pre-made and ready to run.
Also included……
The new 9/32″ super fine plug described in the UPDATES.
Pump and Hoses……. sold separately. See the PUMP KIT below.
You will need about 5 feet of 1-1/8″ bilge pump hose.
That can ordered via Amazon through the link below:
Bilge pumps are NOT all built the same. We have tested MANY and they vary greatly.
We like the RULE 1100 gph pump. Made in the US and has a warranty.
Also note that bilge pumps do not come with long wire or battery clamps.
Can be ordered via the link below on Amazon
It’s personal choice but most people us a deep cycle marine battery.
Look at the battery AMP HOURS and you see how long you can run it.
Optional Pump and Hose Kit
After a few requests we decided to offer a pump and hose kit. If ordered WITH the multi sluice shipping is free. The pump has been tested and meets the specs. However, keep in mind it’s a cheap China made pump. These pumps usually last about a year, but we have seen them last many. The pump only comes with a 90 day warranty.
Kit is $38.75 and includes…….
– 1100 gph bilge pump.
– 5 feet of bilge hose.
– Battery clamps.
– 6 feet of extra wire.